Due to the complexity of the global regulatory environment, IONOS has made the decision to focus on its core markets.

This means that IONOS now only allow countries that are listed below for ionos.com accounts:

Argentina Australia Bangladesh
Brazil Canada Chile
Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic
Ecuador Egypt Guatemala
Hong Kong Iceland India
Indonesia Israel Japan
Kazakhstan Kenya Lebanon
Liechtenstein Malaysia Mexico
New Zealand Nigeria Norway
Oman Pakistan Panama
Peru Philippines Saudi Arabia
Serbia Singapore South Africa
South Korea Switzerland Taiwan
Thailand Turkey Ukraine
United Arab Emirates United States Vietnam

Is your current address outdated and you now have an address in the United States or another eligible country listed above? If so, please reach out to our Customer Support at any time to correct your billing address and phone number.

Otherwise, if you do not have an address in the United States or another country eligible, we will not be able to keep your account active anymore, and the contract(s) needs to be cancelled. Of course, you are free to move your data to another hosting provider.

If you already received an email letting you know that your account will be cancelled due to an address in a country we no longer support, please remember to create a backup of your data to make sure no important data is lost. This will be especially important if you decide to move your hosting elsewhere.

Other Helpful Articles

In case you need to back up your data and restore it in another account, please see the following articles for helpful information: