Every web page (e.g. home page, sub pages) has its own title. This page title is set as a meta tag in the HTML code and appears in the title bar of the browser.Many social networks also display the page title when a user shares a website.

Search engines show the page title in their search results.

Furthermore, search engines use the page title to determine what content the website contains. For this reason, the page title should ideally also include the keyword for which the website is optimized.A well-written page title will tempt users to select your page from the search results.

This is what a perfect page title looks like

A perfect page title should have 50 through 70 characters and briefly outline the topic of the page. You should use terms that are frequently searched for in search engines.
As the title is cut off in the absence of space, the important information should be at the beginning. If there is still room, you can add the name of your website at the end of the title. Ideally, you separate this name with a delimiter (e.g. "-" or "|").

You should use different titles for the different pages of your website.

Edit page titles in MyWebsite

MyWebsite allows you to maintain the page title directly in your MyWebsite editor.

Edit page titles of MyWebsite

Edit page titles in WordPress

For WordPress it is best to use a plugin that simplifies maintaining page titles:

Install one of these plugins in your WordPress administration panel and maintain the page titles as described in the plugin description.

Manually enter page title

To do this, add the following code to the <head> section of each page:

<title>Your title</title>