For user-managed SSL certificates

Hint: SSL certificates are valid for one year. For user-managed SSL certificates, you are independently responsible for renewing the certificate.

This will extend an expiring SSL certificate for another year:

Step 1

Log in to IONOS and select the relevant contract.

Step 2

In the Domains pane, click Manage SSL Certificates.


The Domain Center opens and displays the SSL Certificates tab.


Step 3

In the certificate list, click the expiration date shown in red.

Step 4

To renew the certificate for the same domain, click Renew SSL Certificate.

Step 5

However, if you want the certificate to be issued on a different domain, deactivate the Assign SSL certificate to the same domain option.

Step 6

When you renew a GeoTrust Quick SSL Premium (SSL Starter) certificate, you can select whether you want to apply for the SSL Certificate for a domain or subdomain in the SSL Certificate section.

Step 7

In the Domain area, select the desired domain and, if necessary, the desired subdomain.

Step 8

Click Renew SSL Certificate.

The SSL certificate is reissued. The application should be completed within a few minutes.


Step 9

Click Download Private Key to save your new private key.

Step 10

You can now download the SSL certificate and install it on your server.