The IONOS Setup Assistant gets you started quickly with Managed WordPress using preselected themes and plug-ins. This article explains how to use it.

Logging In to the Managed WordPress Administration

Please note that you must be logged in to your WordPress installation for all of the following steps:

  • Log in to your IONOS account.
  • Click on the Websites & Stores tile.
  • Click the Manage Website button of the desired WordPress installation.
  • Click Edit Website.

An alternative login method is to add /wp-admin to your WordPress URL.


For the login, use the details you specified during the WordPress installation.

Running the Managed WordPress Setup Assistant

When you log in to your WordPress installation for the first time, the IONOS Setup Assistant is launched automatically. To run the IONOS Setup Assistant again later, click Assistant in the left menu of the WordPress administration:

  • In the IONOS Setup Assistant, select the desired website category, such as Blog or Online Store.
  • Click on the desired theme tile. A brief summary about the theme will be displayed.
  • Click the Choose This Theme button. The theme is installed with an optimized selection of plug-ins and the Customizer automatically opens, allowing you to edit various theme options.

To return to the Dashboard, click the X icon in the top left corner of the Customizer. You can reach the Customizer later again via the left menu in the WordPress admin under the menu item Appearance.