The Cloud Panel is divided into the following sections:

Main menu:

The main menu gives you access to all sections of the Cloud Panel. The following sections are listed in the main menu:


  • Server: The Server section allows you to create and manage servers. When you activate a server, you will see both the server status and the resources and projects assigned to it.

  • Images: This section allows you to create and manage images. An image is a backup copy of your server. You can recover your server by installing an image. You can also use an image to install an additional server. This clones the original server.

  • Shared Storage: The Shared Storage section allows you to create and manage shared storages. A shared storage is a hard disk that can be connected to several servers for shared use. This allows all servers joint access to the same data.


  • Firewall Policies: This section allows you to create and manage firewall policies. By using firewall policies, you can allow certain types of network traffic.

  • Load Balancers: The Load Balancers section allows you to create and manage load balancers. With a load balancer you can maximize the data throughput and minimize the server load at the same time. Load balancers can determine both the load and the response time of each server and use rules to distribute the traffic across multiple servers.

  • Public IP: This section allows you to create and remove IP addresses.

  • Private Network: The Private Network section allows you to create and manage private networks. You can use a private network to divide your existing network into several logical networks.

  • VPN: This section allows you to create and manage VPNs. With a virtual private network (VPN), you can create a secure connection with SSL encryption between a local computer and your cloud servers.


  • Monitoring Center: In the Monitoring Center section, you can monitor the availability of your servers.

  • Monitoring Policies: This section allows you to create and manage monitoring policies. You can use a monitoring policy to monitor your servers and to create rules specifying the events for which you would like to receive notifications.


  • Logs: The Logs section logs all actions that users execute in the Cloud Panel.

  • Users: In this section, the additional users who can access the Cloud Panel are listed in a table.

  • Roles: The access permissions in the Cloud Panel are determined by the roles that you assign to the users created by you. With a role, you determine which sections and actions may be viewed or executed by the assigned users in the Cloud Panel. The Roles section allows you to create, assign and manage roles.


  • Usage: The Usage section displays a table with the period of use for the servers you have set up.

  • Interactive Invoice: In the Interactive Invoice section, the costs of the most recent months are displayed graphically. In addition, you can view in this section the invoices of past months and the estimated costs of the current month.

You can also access the following, additional sections in the main menu:

  • Community: Link to the IONOS Cloud Community. The IONOS Cloud Community provides articles regarding basic topics and advanced tutorials (e.g. for WordPress, Docker, server settings, SSL certificates, SDK for our API, etc.).

  • Feedback: Link to the feedback section.

  • API: Link to API documentation.

  • News: The news section contains current information and tips.

Section overview:

The section overview shows all available items in a grid. Click an item to display additional details and to edit it.

Top menu:

The top menu lets you create and manage items within a section.


Clicking the help icon opens the help window. The help window displays help topics for the current section.