For Virtual Server Cloud

In the Infrastructure > server section of the Cloud Panel, all servers configured by you are listed in a table. This table contains the most important information on each server:

Name: the name assigned to the server. You can change the server name at any time.

Status: This is the current operational status of the server. By clicking on the status, you can change the status of the server at any time.

  • On: The surver is running.

  • Off: The server is shut down.

  • Starting: The server is turned on.

  • Restarting: The server is being restarted.

  • Creating server: The server is being set up. The progress is given in percent.

  • Configuring: The configuration of the server is adjusted.

  • Switched off: The server will be shut down.

  • Deleted: The server is being removed.

IP: This is the IP address assigned to the server. If multiple IP addresses have been assigned to the server, an icon will appear indicating the number of IP addresses assigned. To display all IP addresses, move the mouse over the icon.

Type: Selected configuration

OS: Operating system of the server

Warnings: If you monitor your server with a monitoring policy, you will receive a notification when the set thresholds are exceeded. The color of the icons indicates the status of the respective notification:

  • Grey: The server is not being monitored.

  • Green: Normal operation.

  • Yellow:  The monitoring policy has generated warnings and maintenance notes.

  • Red: A problem or critical condition has been reported.

Data Center: IONOS Data Center in which the server is hosted.

Click on the server name to display all of the information about the desired server. The list contains the following additional information:

Description: This is a custom description of the server. You can change the description at any time.

Host: Displays the host.

User:User name with which you log on to the server.

Initial Password: Displays the original password created that you can use to log in to the server.

DNS Host Name: Displays the DNS host name. The DNS host name is a unique name for the server. It consists of a host name and a domain name.

Source: Source of the server operating system.

Operating System: Operating system of the server

Licenses:Displays the licenses of the additionally installed applications.

IP: Shows the IP addresses assigned to the server.

Configuration: Configuration of the server.

  • Type: Selected configuration

  • CPU: Number of main virtual processors (vCPU) configured for the server.

  • RAM: RAM allocated to the server.

  • SSD:  Hard disk space allocated to the server.

Firewall policies: Lists the server's public IP addresses and associated firewall policies.

Please Note

If you do not assign a firewall policy to the server, you can only access it through the KVM console. If you have set up a private network, access is also possible via another server.

Private networks:  Indicates whether a private network has been created.

Snapshot: Indicates whether a snapshot was taken. A snapshot is a snapshot of the data on your server. Once you have taken a snapshot, you can restore the recorded state of your server's data at any time.

Monitoring Policies: Monitoring policy used to monitor the server. You can assign a different monitoring policy to the server at any time.

Data center: IONOS data center in which the server is hosted.

Creation date: Date on which the server was set up

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