The best Google AdSense alternatives

Google is top dog on the internet and has an undisputed market share of 63.9% in the US. This is especially good news for publishers because even in the CPC (cost per click) sector, Google is way ahead by offering AdSense. It’s the most well-known and popular platform that helps you to monetize the free space on your website. There are some alternatives to Google AdSense, which especially come in useful since Google’s strict policies mean that many website operators suddenly find themselves blocked. It therefore makes sense to have an alternative source of income and luckily there are some good alternatives on the market.

How does advertising work on the network?

In principle, each website operator can offer their website as a platform for others to advertise on. The space needs to be digitally measurable so that the website owner can be properly compensated for it. CPC (cost per click) is used as the standard billing model, especially since tracking clicks on websites is really easy to set up. The publisher (i.e. the website operator) receives a commission from the advertiser every time their advert is clicked on.

The cost of a click varies greatly since it depends on many variables. Advertisers take into account the quality of the website and its reach. The type of ad is also crucial as is its placement on the website. In addition to the quality and reach of their own website, publishers also attach a lot of importance to the CTR (click-through rate) when determining the commission. The relevance of the advertiser’s own content is also important when deciding which advertisements to allow, or put on offer. The cost of a CPC is therefore the decision of both the publisher and advertiser.

Unlike traditional affiliate marketing, the CPC model means that revenue is generated when the ad is clicked on, even if the visitor doesn’t make a purchase in the end. Some providers also account for TCPs (thousand contact price), which is all about ad impressions. Large programs are increasingly changing from one click or TCP commission to the percentage commission if an actual purchase takes place. The publisher is therefore paid if the advertiser makes a sale through the ad e.g. the publisher might receive 10% of the entire shopping cart total.

Google AdSense

Website operators sign up to Google AdSense when they want to earn money with advertising banners or links. Billing is carried out according to the CPC principle described above i.e. commission-based depending on how many clicks are made on certain ads. The embedded ads are usually contextual.

Google AdSense is the largest and most popular option in the CPC sector. It’s often referred to as a supplementary program to Google AdWords. AdWords is best suited to online shops and service providers, and AdSense more to website and blog operators. With AdWords, advertisers invest money for online advertising. As a Google AdSense partner, you receive a portion of the money that the AdWords customer pays Google for their online advertising.

The most-used advertising forms are classic text ads and advertising banners. AdSense inserts are also available for apps and mobile sites. The option of having interactive media ads has been available for quite a while with games and videos. AdSense makes it possible to adjust colors and graphics as well as giving you the option to choose which pages the advertisement should be displayed on. A maximum of three banners and three link blocks can be placed on content pages.

An important aspect of Google AdSense is the quality guidelines. Google first checks before allowing access to the AdSense program. In total, there are 13 content and technical factors that are relevant. It is especially important that the sites aren’t allowed to show any pornographic or violence-promoting content or anything that can endanger minors. The sale of tobacco, alcohol, and weapons is also a reason for the site to be turned away. Other common reason for the site being blocked include copyright infringements and supposed click fraud. Google regularly checks the participants, which means that sites can be excluded from the program at any time.

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple implementation Continuous optimization necessary to achieve good revenue
Suitable for small websites as well Blocking possible at any time
Quality assurance through Google  

AdSense alternativen at a glance

As the largest ad network in the world, Google AdSense reaches around 80% of all internet users. This is why it’s the first choice for many publishers. But the downside is that your account can be blocked at any time. There are many Google AdSense alternatives available and we will introduce you to a few.

Affiliate programs from eBay and Amazon

Affiliate programs or advertising networks like eBay and Amazon provide special solutions, since ads come from the platforms themselves and not from external advertisers. In addition, the large platforms are increasingly based on traditional affiliate measures with billing on a percentage commission basis. The two affiliate programs are not classic CPC options, but do provide a secure source of income for publishers and are therefore good alternatives to Google AdSense.

eBay Partner Network

Until a few years ago, the online auction platform eBay offered 'relevance ads' in its own advertising network. The different-sized banners adjusted to the content of the page and the publisher was paid according to the CPC model. The partner program uses a different pay structure: publishers receive a percentage share, which is common in the affiliate sector.

Advantages Disadvantages
Trustworthy partner At auctions the sales value is open and therefore also the commission
Huge selection of products and therefore categories  


RevenueHits is a performance ad network where you are paid for your results (CPA). The platform is so advanced that it actually learns from the advertisements on display. For best results, you should leave them running for 3-4 days. There are different channels available and therefore various options how you can make money. Your account is immediately approved and the platform boasts the highest payout in the industry. It’s possible to create banner ads, sliders, buttons, and pop-ups.

Advantages Disadvantages
Strong network with years in the industry Not many advertisers therefore not many ads relevant to your blog content
Learns from your advertisements  
Many monetization channels available  


This network is one of the biggest monetization ones in the world and boasts that it helps more than 200,000 online publishers in around 130 countries by earning them money from their unused spaces on their websites. Infolinks offers free native ads, which are compatible with all ad solutions. The various advertising means include contextual and video ads, and display banners. Integrating the platform into your website is an easy task and doesn’t require a minimum number of page views or set up fees. The advertisers are chosen based on quality and that’s why a lot of big brands such as Amazon, Pizza Hut, and TripAdvisor work with Infolinks.

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to join the network CPC not that good so need a lot of traffic to make it worthwhile
Simple to integrate into website In-text adverts can slow your website down
Ability to make more money than with AdSense  

Amazon PartnerNet

Amazon’s affiliate partner program offers different advertising media including banners of different sizes and other content-related ads. The Amazon self-optimizing links are particularly interesting and work similar to other affiliate marketing co-operations. The publisher receives 10% from the sales generated by the advertisement, which means that simple clicks on Amazon ads won’t be much help to them.

Advantages Disadvantages
Trustworthy provider, has therefore good impact on visitors Widget integration is quite complicated
Large selection of categories Low individual commission
Commission based on whole shopping cart  

The best Google AdSense alternativen at a glance

Provider Advertising type Payment model Mobile advertising possible
Google AdSense Banner and link advertisement, text displays, rich media CPC Yes
RevenueHits Banner ads, sliders, butons, pop-ups CPA Not known
Infolinks Contextual and video ads, display banners CPC, CTR Not known
eBay Partner Network Various advertisements: banners, logos, displays, feeds, links Percentage of sales Not known
Amazon PartnerNet links Percentage of sales Not known
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