ASCII Table + PDF download

The ASCII code is predominantly used to represent characters correctly on electronic devices. Find out which characters correspond to which binary, decimal, or hexadecimal number in the ASCII table.

Overview of ASCII tables

Because of the large number of characters that can be represented by ASCII code, it’s a good idea to consult a chart with the characters that can be represented by ASCII and the binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers representing these characters. The first two number systems are commonly used by humans and machines, respectively. The hexadecimal system, on the other hand, has the advantage of containing 16 characters (0-9 + A-F) and can represent larger numbers in fewer digits compared to the other systems. Thus a byte can be represented with a maximum of two digits.


Want to learn more about character encoding with ASCII? Check out our article on ASCII code for more information!

For the sake of clarity, we’ll split control characters, that is characters which are not printed by the computer but represent commands such as a line break, and the printable characters into two separate tables.

ASCII table: control characters

Bin. Hex. Dec. ASCII Symbol Explanation
0000000 0 0 NUL The null character prompts the device to do nothing
0000001 1 1 SOH Initiates a header (Start of Heading)
0000010 2 2 STX Ends the header and marks the beginning of a message. (Start of text)
0000011 3 3 ETX Indicates the end of the message (End of text)
0000100 4 4 EOT Marks the end of a completes transmission (End of transmission)
0000101 5 5 ENQ A request that requires a response (Enquiry)
0000110 6 6 ACK Gives a positive answer to the request (Acknowledge)
0000111 7 7 BEL Triggers a beep (Bell)
0001000 8 8 BS Lets the cursor move back one step (Backspace)
0001001 9 9 TAB (HT) A horizontal tab that moves the cursor within a row to the next predefined position (Horizontal tab)
0001010 A 10 LF Causes the cursor to jump to the next line (Line feed)
0001011 B 11 VT The vertical tab lets the cursor jump to a predefined line (Vertical tab)
0001100 C 12 FF Requests a page break (Form Feed)
0001101 D 13 CR Moves the cursor back to the first position of the line (Carriage Return)
0001110 E 14 SO Switches to a special presentation (Shift Out)
0001111 F 15 SI Switches the display back to the normal state (Shift In)
0010000 10 16 DLE Changes the meaning of the following characters (Data Link Escape)
0010001 11 17 DC1 Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)
0010010 12 18 DC2 Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)
0010011 13 19 DC3 Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)
0010100 14 20 DC4 Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)
0010101 15 21 NAK Negative response to a request (Negative Acknowledge)
0010110 16 22 SYN Synchronizes a data transfer, even if no signals are transmitted (Synchronous Idle)
0010111 17 23 ETB Marks the end of a transmission block (End of Transmission Block)
0011000 18 24 CAN Makes it clear that a transmission was faulty and the data must be discarded (Cancel)
0011001 19 25 EM Indicates the end of the storage medium (End of Medium)
0011010 1A 26 SUB Replacement for a faulty sign (Substitute)
0011011 1B 27 ESC Initiates an escape sequence and thus gives the following characters a special meaning (Escape)
0011100 1C 28 FS File Separator: marks the separation of logical data blocks (Hierarchy: file > group > record > unit)
0011101 1D 29 GS Group Separator: marks the separation of logical data blocks (Hierarchy: file > group > record > unit)
0011110 1E 30 RS Record Separator: marks the separation of logical data blocks (Hierarchy: file > group > record > unit)
0011111 1F 31 US Unit Separator: marks the separation of logical data blocks (Hierarchy: file > group > record > unit)
1111111 7F 127 DEL Deletes a character. Since this control character consists of the same number on all positions, during the typewriter era it was possible to invalidate another character by punching out all the positions (Delete)

ASCII table: printable characters

Printable characters include letters and numbers but also special characters.

Bin. Hex. Dec. ASCII Symbol Explanation
0100000 20 32 SP Blank space (Space)
0100001 21 33 ! Exclamation mark
0100010 22 34 " Only quotes above
0100011 23 35 # Pound sign
0100100 24 36 $ Dollar sign
0100101 25 37 % Percentage sign
0100110 26 38 & Ampersand
0100111 27 39 ' Apostrophe
0101000 28 40 ( Left bracket
0101001 29 41 ) Right bracket
0101010 2A 42 * Asterisk
0101011 2B 43 + Plus symbol
0101100 2C 44 , Comma
0101101 2D 45 - Dash
0101110 2E 46 . Full stop
0101111 2F 47 / Forward slash
0110000 30 48 0  
0110001 31 49 1  
0110010 32 50 2  
0110011 33 51 3  
0110100 34 52 4  
0110101 35 53 5  
0110110 36 54 6  
0110111 37 55 7  
0111000 38 56 8  
0111001 39 57 9  
0111010 3A 58 : Colon
0111011 3B 59 ; Semicolon
0111100 3C 60 < Small than bracket
0111101 3D 61 = Equals sign
0111110 3E 62 > Bigger than symbol
0111111 3F 63 ? Question mark
1000000 40 64 @ At symbol
1000001 41 65 A  
1000010 42 66 B  
1000011 43 67 C  
1000100 44 68 D  
1000101 45 69 E  
1000110 46 70 F  
1000111 47 71 G  
1001000 48 72 H  
1001001 49 73 I  
1001010 4A 74 J  
1001011 4B 75 K  
1001100 4C 76 L  
1001101 4D 77 M  
1001110 4E 78 N  
1001111 4F 79 O  
1010000 50 80 P  
1010001 51 81 Q  
1010010 52 82 R  
1010011 53 83 S  
1010100 54 84 T  
1010101 55 85 U  
1010110 56 86 V  
1010111 57 87 W  
1011000 58 88 X  
1011001 59 89 Y  
1011010 5A 90 Z  
1011011 5B 91 [ Left square bracket
1011100 5C 92 \ Inverse/backward slash
1011101 5D 93 ] Right square bracket
1011110 5E 94 ^ Circumflex
1011111 5F 95 _ Underscore
1100000 60 96 ` Gravis (backtick)
1100001 61 97 a  
1100010 62 98 b  
1100011 63 99 c  
1100100 64 100 d  
1100101 65 101 e  
1100110 66 102 f  
1100111 67 103 g  
1101000 68 104 h  
1101001 69 105 i  
1101010 6A 106 j  
1101011 6B 107 k  
1101100 6C 108 l  
1101101 6D 109 m  
1101110 6E 110 n  
1101111 6F 111 o  
1110000 70 112 p  
1110001 71 113 q  
1110010 72 114 r  
1110011 73 115 s  
1110100 74 116 t  
1110101 75 117 u  
1110110 76 118 v  
1110111 77 119 w  
1111000 78 120 x  
1111001 79 121 y  
1111010 7A 122 z  
1111011 7B 123 { Left curly bracket
1111100 7C 124 | Vertical line
1111101 7D 125 } Right curly bracket
1111110 7E 126 ~ Tilde

ASCII table: extended version

Extended ASCII versions use an eighth bit, which is assigned differently from program to program. In most cases, the additional digit is used to accommodate country-specific peculiarities. The first 128 characters are always the same.

Below is an example of the ASCII extension Windows-1252 developed for the Windows operating system.


Besides ASCII, UTF-8 encoding is just as significant and near congruent.

Bin. Hex. Dec. ASCII Symbol Explanation Group
10000000 80 128 Euro sign Special character
10000001 81 129 Empty    
10000010 82 130 Single lower quotation mark Special character
10000011 83 131 ƒ Letter f from Latin Special character
10000100 84 132 Double lower quotation mark Special character
10000101 85 133 Horizontal skip points Special character
10000110 86 134 Dagger Special character
10000111 87 135 Double cross Special character
10001000 88 136 ˆ Circumflex accent Special character
10001001 89 137 Per mille sign Special character
10001010 8A 138 Š   Capital letter
10001011 8B 139 Single left-pointing angle quotation Capital letter
10001100 8C 140 Œ   Capital letter
10001101 8D 141 Empty    
10001110 8E 142 Ž   Capital letter
10001111 8F 143 Empty    
10010000 90 144 Empty    
10010001 91 145 Left single quotation mark Special character
10010010 92 146 Right single quotation mark Special character
10010011 93 147 Left double quotation mark Special character
10010100 94 148 Right double quotation mark Special character
10010101 95 149 Bullet Special character
10010110 96 150 En dash Special character
10010111 97 151 Em dash Special character
10011000 98 152 ˜ Small tilde Special character
10011001 99 153 Trademark sign Special character
10011010 9A 154 š   Lower case letter
10011011 9B 155 Single right-pointing angle quotation Lower case letter
10011100 9C 156 Œ   Capital letter
10011101 9D 157 Empty    
10011110 9E 158 ž   Lower case letter
10011111 9F 159 Ÿ   Capital letter
10100000 A0 160 Empty    
10100001 A1 161 ¡ Inverted exclamation point Special character
10100010 A2 162 ¢ Cent sign Special character
10100011 A3 163 £ Pound sign Special character
10100100 A4 164 ¤ Currency sign Special character
10100101 A5 165 ¥ Yen sign Special character
10100110 A6 166 ¦ Broken pipe Special character
10100111 A7 167 § Paragraph Special character
10101000 A8 168 ¨ Umlaut Special character
10101001 A9 169 © Copyright sign Special character
10101010 AA 170 ª Ordinal character Special character
10101011 AB 171 « Left-pointing double angle quotation marks Special character
10101100 AC 172 ¬ Not sign Special character
10101101 AD 173 ­ Soft hyphen (optional hyphen) Special character
10101110 AE 174 ® Registered trademark sign Special character
10101111 AF 175 ¯ Macron Special character
10110000 B0 176 ° Degree Special character
10110001 B1 177 ± Plus minus Special character
10110010 B2 178 ² Superscript 2 (square character) Special character
10110011 B3 179 ³ Superscript 3 (cubic sign) Special character
10110100 B4 180 ´ Acute accent Special character
10110101 B5 181 µ Micro sign Special character
10110110 B6 182 Paragraph sign Special character
10110111 B7 183 · Center point Special character
10111000 B8 184 ¸ Cedille Special character
10111001 B9 185 ¹ Superscript 1 Special character
10111010 BA 186 º Male ordinal indicator Special character
10111011 BB 187 » Right-pointing double angle quotation marks Special character
10111100 BC 188 ¼ Fraction one quarter Special character
10111101 BD 189 ½ Fraction one half Special character
10111110 BE 190 ¾ Fraction three quarters Special character
10111111 BF 191 ¿ Inverted question mark Special character
11000000 C0 192 À   Capital letter
11000001 C1 193 Á   Capital letter
11000010 C2 194 Â   Capital letter
11000011 C3 195 Ã   Capital letter
11000100 C4 196 Ä   Capital letter
11000101 C5 197 Å   Capital letter
11000110 C6 198 Æ   Capital letter
11000111 C7 199 Ç   Capital letter
11001000 C8 200 È   Capital letter
11001001 C9 201 É   Capital letter
11001010 CA 202 Ê   Capital letter
11001011 CB 203 Ë   Capital letter
11001100 CC 204 Ì   Capital letter
11001101 CD 205 Í   Capital letter
11001110 CE 206 Î   Capital letter
11001111 CF 207 Ï   Capital letter
11010000 D0 208 Ð   Capital letter
11010001 D1 209 Ñ   Capital letter
11010010 D2 210 Ò   Capital letter
11010011 D3 211 Ó   Capital letter
11010100 D4 212 Ô   Capital letter
11010101 D5 213 Õ   Capital letter
11010110 D6 214 Ö   Capital letter
11010111 D7 215 × Multiplication symbol Capital letter
11011000 D8 216 Ø   Capital letter
11011001 D9 217 Ù   Capital letter
11011010 DA 218 Ú   Capital letter
11011011 DB 219 Û   Capital letter
11011100 DC 220 Ü   Capital letter
11011101 DD 221 Ý   Capital letter
11011110 DE 222 Þ   Capital letter
11011111 DF 223 ß   Lower case letter
11100000 E0 224 à   Lower case letter
11100001 E1 225 á   Lower case letter
11100010 E2 226 â   Lower case letter
11100011 E3 227 ã   Lower case letter
11100100 E4 228 ä   Lower case letter
11100101 E5 229 å   Lower case letter
11100110 E6 230 æ   Lower case letter
11100111 E7 231 ç   Lower case letter
11101000 E8 232 è   Lower case letter
11101001 E9 233 é   Lower case letter
11101010 EA 234 ê   Lower case letter
11101011 EB 235 ë   Lower case letter
11101100 EC 236 ì   Lower case letter
11101101 ED 237 í   Lower case letter
11101110 EE 238 î   Lower case letter
11101111 EF 239 ï   Lower case letter
11110000 F0 240 ð   Lower case letter
11110001 F1 241 ñ   Lower case letter
11110010 F2 242 ò   Lower case letter
11110011 F3 243 ó   Lower case letter
11110100 F4 244 ô   Lower case letter
11110101 F5 245 õ   Lower case letter
11110110 F6 246 ö   Lower case letter
11110111 F7 247 ÷ Division symbol Special character
11111000 F8 248 ø   Lower case letter
11111001 F9 249 ù   Lower case letter
11111010 FA 250 ú   Lower case letter
11111011 FB 251 û   Lower case letter
11111100 FC 252 ü   Lower case letter
11111101 FD 253 ý   Lower case letter
11111110 FE 254 þ   Lower case letter
11111111 FF 255 ÿ   Lower case letter

Example: Convert ASCII characters

In ASCII, the system converts binary numbers into printable and non-printable characters according to a specified standard, as listed in the table above. Users can also perform these computational processes without any aids. All you have to do is understand how to calculate in binary or hexadecimal. In a number system, each digit corresponds to the power on a particular basis: in the decimal system, the base is 10. The bases are 2 and 16 for binary and hexadecimal systems, respectively. Multiply the value of the digit by the value of the digit.

Digit values in the decimal system:

Decimal system        
100 101 102 103
1 10 100 1000


This also works analogously in the other two systems:

Binary system        
20 21 22 23
1 2 4 8

However, there are only two digits, so:

Hexadecimal system        
160 161 162 163
1 16 256 4096

There are 16 characters, therefore:

With this information and the ASCII chart, ASCII strings can be converted into any number system. See this example, using the term “digital”:

“d” corresponds to the decimal value of 68 in the ASCII table, therefore:

“i” corresponds to the decimal value of 105, therefore:

“g” corresponds to the decimal value 103, therefore:

“i” corresponds to the decimal value 105, therefore:

“t” corresponds to the decimal 1106, therefore:

“a” corresponds to the decimal value 97, therefore:

“l” corresponds to the decimal value 108, therefore:

Accordingly, the example word can be represented as such:

Symbol D i g i t a l
Dec 68 105 103 105 116 97 108
Bin 1000100 1101001 1100111 1101001 1110100 1100001 1101100
Hex 44 69 67 69 74 61 6C
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