Terms and conditions (“T&C”)

§ 1 Raffle

(1) IONOS SE, Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer") shall organize the raffle in the period from June 14, 2024 to June 14, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Event Period"). The Organizer shall provide the prizes for the raffle and in this context shall also be solely obligated to fulfill the claims to the prizes.

(2) By accepting the T&C, the participant also agrees to the disclosure of his/her contact data to the Organizer for the purpose of advertising contact. The provision of contact data for the aforementioned purpose is the consideration for participation in the raffle.

(3) A participant takes part in the raffle by fulfilling all the requirements of the raffle. By participating in the raffle, the participant declares his/her agreement with the following regulations.

§ 2 Participants

(1) Anyone who is at least 18 years old at the time of participation is eligible to participate. There is no entitlement to participate in the competition.

(2) To participate in the competition, it is necessary that all personal details are complete and truthful.

(3) Participation in the competition is free of charge and independent of any purchase of goods or the use of paid or free services.

§ 3 Exclusion from Participation

(1) Employees of the company named in § 1 (1) and of the companies affiliated with the aforementioned company as well as their relatives are excluded from participation.

(2) In the event of a breach of these T&C, the Organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from the prize draw, in particular in the event of multiple entries and entries stating false or incomplete personal details. (3) Persons who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. This also includes participation via lottery clubs and automated services. In such cases, winnings may also be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed.

§ 4 Realization and handling of the raffle

(1) The raffle is organized and carried out exclusively by the Organizer.

(2) Requirements for participation in the raffle are:

  • Submission of contact details via the online contact form provided by the Organizer by 15.06.2024, 14:30pm.
  • Presence at the IONOS booth at WordCamp Europe in Lingotto Conference Centre Torino, Italy at the time of the draw: 15.06.2024 at 3:00pm.
  • Confirmation of participation by agreeing to these T&C and selecting "I want to be part of the raffle" in the online contact form. Upon fulfillment of the above requirements, the participant will be entered into the raffle.

(3) The intended prizes are :

  • 1st prize (grand prize) Meta Quest 3 VR-Headset,
  • 2nd prize: Lego Star Wars "Lego R2-D2™” Nr. 75379,
  • 3rd prize: Lego Star Wars "Lego Millennium Falcon™" #75375

(4) Winning will be determined directly on site on 15/06/2024 at 3:00 pm. The prizes will be won by those participants whose contact details are drawn during the raffle on site. The draw will decide. 1st platoon will win the 3rd prize, 2nd platoon will get the 2nd prize and 3rd platoon will win the grand prize.

(5) The winner will be determined by a random drawing of a name via the online wheel of fortune "wheelofnames.com": https://wheelofnames.com/faq/terms / https://wheelofnames.com/privacy-policy. The drawn name is purely random. There is no possibility to influence the wheel. Except for the first and last name, no data is transmitted. The data will not be stored, but only temporarily used to fill the view.

(6) The winners will be determined on site on 15/06/2024 and the prizes will be given away immediately. If desired, the prize can also be sent to an address within an European country provided by the winner. In case of loss of the package, there is no claim for replacement.

(7) Cash payment of non-cash prizes is not possible. Winning claims are not transferable to other persons.

(8) If it is not possible to hand over the prize or if this is not possible under reasonable circumstances, the winners will receive a prize substitute of equal value.

(9) The winner is responsible for any taxation of the prize.

§ 5 Premature termination of the raffle

The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or terminate the raffle at any time without prior notice. He will make use of this possibility in particular if for technical reasons or for legal reasons a proper execution of the raffle cannot be guaranteed. A technical reason in this context may be, in particular, viruses as well as manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software. If a termination was caused by the behavior of a participant, the Organizer is entitled to demand compensation from this participant for the damage incurred.

§ 6 Privacy

(1) The provision of personal data is voluntary and serves exclusively to carry out the raffle and If necessary for advertising. The following personal data will be stored and processed exclusively within the scope of the raffle: First name, last name, e-mail address and, if applicable, residential address for shipping. The query of the first name and surname serves to determine the identity of the winner. The query of the e-mail address serves to notify the winner. The legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit. a) in conjunction with Art. 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR.

(2) By participating, the participant agrees that his/her data may be stored, processed and transmitted by the organizer for further contact within the scope of the raffle or for advertising purposes until revoked.

(3) The stored data will be completely deleted no later than 14 days after the prizes have been sent. In addition, the Organizer reserves the right to store the contact data for a longer period of time for the purpose of advertising contact, unless the participant revokes the data processing. In deviation from this, the data of the winners collected in the context of the raffle may have to be stored for a period of up to 10 years for reasons of tax law.

(4) In accordance with the relevant data protection laws, the participant has the right of access, correction, erasure, restriction of data processing and right to rectification. The participant also has the right to contact a supervisory authority in the member state of your residence or workplace or of the alleged violation at any time if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you violates any data protection laws.

(5) To assert your data protection rights, please contact: datenschutz@ionos.de or write to us at the contact address stated in § 1 (1).

§ 7 Liability

(1) The Organizer is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize. No liability is accepted for defects of title and/or quality.

(2) The announcement of the winners is made without guarantee.

(3) The organizer is not liable for damages that may occur due to errors, delays or interruptions in transmission, malfunctions of technical equipment and services, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way during participation in raffles, unless such damages are caused by the Organizer (their bodies, employees or vicarious agents) intentionally or through gross negligence.

(4) There is no liability for persons excluded by § 3.

§ 8 Miscellaneous

(1) These T&C of Participation and the entire legal relationship shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

(2) Should individual provisions of the T&C of Participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining T&C of Participation shall remain unaffected.

§ 9 Legal recourse