
How to use Java BigDecimal to display floating point numbers

How to use Java BigDecimal to display floating point numbers

In situations where the smallest digit after the decimal point is important, you need programs that can display these reliably. Java uses BigDecimal, a class that can represent and process complex floating point numbers in detail. In this article, we’ll show you how to use the…

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How Java Math class works

How Java Math class works

Java’s Math class is a valuable tool for doing calculations in Java. It uses a simple syntax and can be used to perform logarithms, trigonometric tasks and simple numerical calculations. Here you can find out how the Math class works in Java and which methods you can use. We’ll…

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What are Java bitwise operators and how to use them

What are Java bitwise operators and how to use them

If you want to change individual bits, Java’s solution is bitwise operators. With Java bitwise operators, you can step in and manipulate bits in whatever way you’d like. We’ll show you which bitwise operators are available in Java and go over their benefits. We’ll also use some…

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What are Java comments and how to create themChinnapongShutterstock

What are Java comments and how to create them

If you’re working with source code, it often makes sense to explain work steps. This not only makes it easier for you to find your way around a project, it also makes it easier for other people to collaborate with you. With comments in Java, you can leave explanations directly in…

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What are the 10 most common Java interview questions? (And how to answer them)ESB ProfessionalShutterstock

What are the 10 most common Java interview questions? (And how to answer them)

In job interviews for software development, there’s a strong focus on specialist knowledge. In addition to describing processes and understanding team roles, questions about programming languages are par for the course. One of the most important languages is Java. We’ve put…

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How to use for-each loops in Java

How to use for-each loops in Java

One of the biggest advantages of the for-each loop is that it has a simple and clear syntax. This helps to avoid programming errors. The loop can also traverse arrays faster than other loop methods. We’ll show you how to best use the for-each Java loop and provide some examples…

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What is a Java list?

What is a Java list?

Java lists allow for efficient operations and quick access to elements. Lists are dynamic in size and automatically readjust when elements are added or removed. With classes like ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector, there are different ways to implement them as well. Each class has…

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Java vs. JavaScript: A comparison of both languages

Java vs. JavaScript: A comparison of both languages

It’s easy to understand why some people think that Java and JavaScript are similar or even the same thing. However, this isn’t the case. In reality, there is more that separates the two programming languages than unites them. We’ll explain what you need to know about the two…

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How to use Java collect() to collect and process dataChinnapongShutterstock

How to use Java collect() to collect and process data

Java Stream Collectors are a powerful tool when it comes to processing data in Java efficiently. They allow you to perform complex operations such as grouping, filtering and aggregating large amounts of data. In this article, you’ll learn how to optimize your data processing…

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How to use Java ArrayListra2 studioShutterstock

How to use Java ArrayList

The ArrayList data structure is an important part of programming in Java and provides an efficient way to manage objects in lists. Unlike arrays, Java ArrayList is able to resize dynamically and comes with functions for adding, removing, sorting and searching elements. In this…

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