What are the SOLID principles?Elnurshutterstock

What are the SOLID principles?

Code can deteriorate, especially when the SOLID principles of object-based programming are not adhered to. These principles represent the five golden rules for maintaining clean and better code. Thanks to their specific laws and guidelines, they enable an easily understandable…

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What is PHP?

What is PHP?

The server-side, open-source scripting language PHP is used by almost 80 percent of all websites worldwide. In this article, we’ll look at what PHP means, why the language is so popular, and explore its uses. We’ll also answer the question of why PHP is a good choice if you’re a…

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How do domain redirects work?

How do domain redirects work?

It is essential that users reach the right website, which may require redirecting a domain. Essentially, domain redirects can be carried out on both the server side as well as the client side. These are divided into two categories. The first one consists of redirects via…

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What are the 10 best PHP alternatives?

What are the 10 best PHP alternatives?

PHP is a popular scripting language used to create dynamic websites. It offers good compatibility, is user-friendly and easy to learn. These are just a few of the reasons why it’s so popular. Despite its widespread use, other programming languages may be better suited to…

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Using Composer in IONOS web hosting plans

Using Composer in IONOS web hosting plans

Composer is a dependency management tool that lets you conveniently reference external sources and libraries in PHP projects. With Composer, dependencies are conveniently installed and updated, allowing you to quickly integrate different libraries. and keep them up-to-date.…

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How to send emails easily with PHPMailer

How to send emails easily with PHPMailer

The mail extension PHPMailer is particularly useful when it comes to contact forms on websites and sending automatically generated emails. We’ll show you how to install and send emails with PHPMailer. It’s easy to do. In our article, we’ll also be looking into which features are…

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The best PHP editors and PHP IDEsBEST-BACKGROUNDSShutterstock

The best PHP editors and PHP IDEs

Anyone looking to write clean PHP code effectively and in a time-saving manner can rely on high-quality PHP software. However, depending on your requirements and previous knowledge, it’s important to choose the right PHP editor or PHP IDE. We present the best free PHP editors and…

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Symfony vs Laravel: What’s the difference?Sinart CreativeShutterstock

Symfony vs Laravel: What’s the difference?

Symfony and Laravel are the most popular PHP frameworks and are used to create sophisticated web applications. Laravel is known for being a simpler framework, while Symfony is considered a more powerful framework. In this article, we’ll compare Symfony and Laravel and highlight…

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What is object-oriented programming (OOP)?

What is object-oriented programming (OOP)?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of main programming paradigms, along with functional programming. At the core of OOP is encapsulating the internal state of objects and the exchange of messages between objects. OOP supplies certain advantages, however these become…

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How to install and use Composer on Windows 11

How to install and use Composer on Windows 11

It’s hard to avoid the PHP dependency manager Composer when working with PHP and accessing established libraries and packages regularly. The popular and handy package manager can be used on Microsoft systems too. In this article, we’ll show you how to install Composer on Windows…

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