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How to make a Website mobile-friendly

How to make a Website mobile-friendly

The internet is becoming increasingly more mobile, which is proving challenging for website operators. There are still many websites which aren’t properly optimized for smartphones and tablets and can only be partly displayed. Since Google’s mobile update, these sites can expect…

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Website Optimization

Website Optimization

When it comes to website development and maintenance one aspect is often missed: website speed. Despite mobile-first approaches and responsive designs, many websites still have loading times that are too long, which can prove off-putting for visitors. Yet, loading time is one of…

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How to compress a video file

How to compress a video file

Have you ever tried to send someone a video, only to find it exceeds the permitted attachment size? Fortunately there are lots of programs that can resolve this problem. Basically, you need to reduce the size of the video by compressing it. Once you’ve compressed a video file, it…

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Responsive Navigation

Responsive Navigation

Web design is an increasingly demanding and complex art, especially when it comes to adaptability. Websites must now satisfy far more requirements: they must look appealing on devices of all sizes, be easy for visitors of a wide range of abilities to navigate, and most…

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Optimize Website Navigation

Optimize Website Navigation

Want to make your website more attractive for customers? With a well thought out website navigation structure and a few basic optimizations, you can win plus points not just with users, but also with search engines. A good overview, an appealing design, and useful content will…

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How to compress images and reduce file size

How to compress images and reduce file size

Computer storage volume is increasing by the year. But while we have access to more gigabytes and terabytes, it’s best to keep the file sizes down to a minimum–especially if you operate a website. This is because compressed data leads to quicker loading times, happy visitors, and…

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How to compress CSS for consistent loading times

How to compress CSS for consistent loading times

It’s rare to see creative information directly placed into HTML code. Colors, fonts, and sizes of HTML elements are normally defined in style sheets, such as CSS. The more complex a website becomes, the more the range and amount of required CSS files increase. The extra burden…

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What is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?

What is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?

A major concern on all web developers’ to-do lists is making sure their website is user-friendly. Responsive web design and accessibility measures enable you to respond to increasing global mobile traffic without neglecting layout and design. From data published in February 2016,…

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Best Browsers for Windows and Mac

Best Browsers for Windows and Mac

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, or good old Microsoft Edge? The debate about which web browser is number one has been going on for years in online communities. But what is a browser exactly? And is there one that can trump the competition and be touted as the…

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Varnish Cache: a performance boost for dynamic websites

Varnish Cache: a performance boost for dynamic websites

When a web project is growing and the user rates are beginning to skyrocket, some web servers may quickly become overworked when it comes to dispatching requested content. A hardware upgrade may seem like the only option, but this can be an expensive undertaking. Varnish hosting…

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