
What is SMTP authentication? SMTP Auth explained

What is SMTP authentication? SMTP Auth explained

Is your mail server configured with SMTP AUTH? If not, you should do so as soon as possible. Professional spammers are happy to see every open relay that they can use for the distribution of their junk mail. Such spam is not only hassle for the receiver, but also unnecessarily…

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How to strengthen your website’s malware protection

How to strengthen your website’s malware protection

A website operator is responsible for the security of a web project as well as the content. Neglecting security may lead to hackers easily infiltrating the system through security gaps. If a malware-infected website goes unnoticed, it could cause serious damage. It is therefore…

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How to identify phishing emails

How to identify phishing emails

Scammers send out dubious e-mails attempting to obtain sensitive data from internet users every day. This is known as phishing and isn’t just annoying; fraudulent e-mails cost millions each year as internet users fall victim to them. We reveal how to identify phishing e-mails and…

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The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

An inbox full of spam is enough to grind anyone’s gears. Too many marketers try to worm their way into the inboxes of potential customers without seeking permission. This is technically allowed in the US, but only until the recipient explicitly opts out. To ensure you don’t drive…

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Click rate & opening rate – newsletter KPIs in e-mail marketing

Click rate & opening rate – newsletter KPIs in e-mail marketing

In e-mail marketing, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are extremely important for analyzing campaigns. Various indicators can help you to determine the final success rate of your marketing activities. But how exactly can you measure metrics like a newsletter’s conversion rate,…

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Online Identity Theft

Online Identity Theft

Many only know internet identity theft and similar crimes from movies or television. But stories of online fraudsters are not just mere phantasies of screenwriters; for many the experience is all too real. Online identity theft has become more and more of a problem over the past…

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Personal Data

Personal Data

What do your e-mail address, eye color, preferred political party, and license plate have in common? They can all be regarded as personal data which companies and cybercriminals can use to draw direct or indirect conclusions about your physical, physiological, genetic,…

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Outlook spam filter: How to set it up, customize it and check the junk filterRawpixel.comShutterstock

Outlook spam filter: How to set it up, customize it and check the junk filter

The Outlook spam filter automatically moves unwanted and potentially fraudulent emails to the junk folder. Even junk mail that doesn’t meet the typical spam criteria can be kept out of your Outlook inbox with the right settings. In case of errors, the Outlook junk filter can be…

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What are Botnets?

What are Botnets?

Botnets are tricky to spot, but they’re all over the internet and they cause all kinds of damage every day. They lurk inconspicuously in the background and use millions of private computers for malicious purposes. This guide explains how botnets work, how to keep them away, and…

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How to recognize spam e-mails and how to prevent them

How to recognize spam e-mails and how to prevent them

Billions of spam e-mails are sent daily. These annoying messages cost time and get on your nerves, especially when malware finds its way onto your computer or private data falls into the wrong hands. Just a few small tricks and a bit of caution when dealing with e-mails can…

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